BRD Won 18 More Utility Model Patents


All along, BRD has actively promoted technological reform and innovation. BRD technical team has overcome many difficulties in the research and development process, solved one problem after another, successfully developed a series of systems and products, and won more and more national utility model patents and honors year by year.

BRD Won 18 More Utility Model Patents

List of 18 new utility model patents in BRD

BRD Won 18 More Utility Model PatentsBRD Won 18 More Utility Model PatentsBRD Won 18 More Utility Model PatentsBRD Won 18 More Utility Model PatentsBRD Won 18 More Utility Model PatentsBRD Won 18 More Utility Model PatentsBRD Won 18 More Utility Model PatentsBRD Won 18 More Utility Model PatentsBRD Won 18 More Utility Model Patents